QTEL works with school districts to develop tailor-made, standards-based curricular units and lessons that foster language and literacy development for K-12 English Learners in specific disciplinary contexts.
The content of the units is dictated by the specific needs of school districts.
Designed in an instructional sequence in three moments
Structured in a spiraling fashion that introduces conceptual, analytical, and language practices at increasing levels of complexity
Conceptually connected and focused on pivotal constructs in the discipline that promote deep learning
Centered on students’ development of enduring and transferable practices for ongoing, accelerated growth
Include macro-level sequence and analysis which explain how all lessons in a unit work together to meet an overarching purpose and micro-level annotations that help teachers understand the purpose of specific tasks and how tasks are arranged
Include notes on formative assessment to be carried out by both students and teachers
Here are a few examples of unique curricular units designed by QTEL:
A collaboration with Stanford University’s Understanding Language initiative, features a unit on persuasion developed by QTEL staff.

These thematic units were designed for English as a New Language courses in grades 6-9 to invite students to work collaboratively as they acquire academic language and deep content knowledge.
QTEL works with schools and districts to produce high-quality instructional videos that can serve as models in educator professional development, professional learning communities, coaching sessions, or leadership development.
The practices showcased in these instructional videos are dictated by the specific needs of the school or district.
Showcase specific, generative tasks that demonstrate how to put QTEL principles learned in professional development into action
Shot in classrooms with practicing teachers involved in QTEL coaching or QTEL Professional Development certification
Professional quality video gives viewers vivid, clear images of what student interaction should look like, scaffolded materials used to ensure students can access rigorous texts and concepts, and examples of student work and outcomes
Professional quality audio allows viewers to clearly hear and understand the structure of the generative task they are observing, teacher instructions, and quality interactions as students authentically experience the task